September 19, 2024
There are no plans to turn off the lights in Ukraine today, due to Russian shelling there were blackouts in 7 regions - Ministry of Energy thumbnail

There are no plans to turn off the lights in Ukraine today, due to Russian shelling there were blackouts in 7 regions – Ministry of Energy

There are no plans to turn off the lights in Ukraine today, due to Russian shelling there were blackouts in 7 regions – the Ministry of Energy, on September 19, there are no plans to use blackout schedules in Ukraine. Over the past day, due to enemy shelling, there were power outages in seven regions, in particular, Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions.”, — write on:

Today, September 19, there are no plans to apply blackout schedules in Ukraine. During the past day, due to enemy shelling, there were power outages in seven regions – Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kharkiv and Chernihiv regions. This was reported to the Ministry of Energy on Thursday, reports UNN.

Generation and consumption

No power outages are planned today. Find out about any changes in energy supply on the official resources of your regional energy company

However, the department urged Ukrainians to continue to consume electricity economically and responsibly, especially during peak hours – from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Consequences of shelling of the Russian Federation

Over the past day, due to shelling and fighting, there were power cuts in the Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kharkiv and Chernihiv regions.

IN Sumy region during the air alarm at the substation, equipment was turned off, consumers were cut off. Power has been restored. The equipment is included in the work.

IN Chernihiv region as a result of enemy shelling, household consumers were cut off. In total, 4,972 subscribers remained without electricity.

IN Donetsk region substations, household consumers and mines were cut off during the air raid. At the time of the incident, a total of 72 workers were in the mines, and they have already been brought to the surface. Power has been partially restored, the Ministry of Energy added.

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Network status

Southern region: for technological reasons, the high-voltage overhead line was briefly disconnected.

South-eastern region: for technological reasons, substations and household consumers were cut off. Power has been restored.

In total, 545 settlements remain partially or completely without power this morning due to hostilities and technical malfunctions.

Import and export

Export of electricity does not take place and is not expected.

For the current day, imports from Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary and Moldova are forecast with a maximum capacity of 1,532 MW in individual hours.

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