“The Russian military contingent continues its evacuation from Syria, focusing on bases in Tartus and Khmeimim. According to the available information, those soldiers who have...
“The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine informed about this on December 12. It is noted that the hackathon focused on two strategic challenges relevant to...
“Sources of Armiya TV inform about this. The deputy general designer, the head of the functional software department was shot dead in the Kuzminsky forest...
“Ivan Fedorov, the head of Zaporizhzhya OVA, informed about this on December 12. “Unfortunately, the number of dead in Zaporizhzhia has increased to 11. As...
“Lieutenant-Colonel Nazar Voloshyn, the spokesman of the Khortytsia operational-strategic troop group, told about this on the air of the “Yedini Novyni” telethon. According to Nazar...
“This was reported by the head of Donetsk OVA, Vadym Filashkin. Volnovasky District: Two residential buildings were destroyed in the village of Andriivka of the...
“The head of Dnipropetrovsk OVA Serhiy Lysak informs about this. The enemy targeted the communities of Nikopol, Marganetska, Pokrovska, Chervonogrigorivska, Myrivska. As a result of...
“The Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informed about this on December 11. Oleksiy Neizhpapa expressed his gratitude to Great Britain and Norway...
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