September 24, 2024
The USA handed over to Ukraine four ancient sabers, which Russia took out of the occupied territories thumbnail

The USA handed over to Ukraine four ancient sabers, which Russia took out of the occupied territories

The USA handed over to Ukraine four ancient sabers that Russia took out of the occupied territories. The artifacts were discovered in an international post office in New Jersey under the guise of a “barbecue set.””, — write on:

The USA transferred to Ukraine cultural values ​​that originate from the temporarily occupied territories and were stolen by Russia. This was reported by the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine, he writes UNN.


On September 23, at the premises of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN, US Deputy Secretary of National Security for Strategy, Policy and Planning Robert Silvers handed over 4 medieval iron sabers, dating from the IX-XIII centuries, to the Minister of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine Mykola Tochytskyi.

According to Robert Silvers, they were discovered at the International Post Office in Newark, New Jersey. The package stated that a barbecue kit was being transferred there. During the subsequent inspection of the contents of the package, in which the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in Kyiv was involved, it was established that these are cultural heritage items.

Another 7 values ​​are currently in the process of identification by Ukrainian experts based on the provided photos.


Mykola Tochytskyi noted that the returned sabers are not just weapons, but a symbol of the deep historical connection of Ukrainians with their ancestors and Ukrainian national strength.

This operation was the result of successful cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine, the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA, the National Museum of the History of Ukraine and the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

We will remind

Starting in June 2022, US Customs and Border Protection, in cooperation with other agencies under the US Department of Homeland Security, is conducting an operation to intercept cultural property sent from Russia to the US by mail. The previous batch of cultural property seized by US Customs and Border Protection as part of this operation included a Scythian akinaki from the 6th century BC, a bronze sword from the 12th to 8th century BC. and other values ​​that have already been transferred to Ukraine.

Archaeological artifacts that were illegally exported from Ukraine and intercepted in the Netherlands were handed over to the National Museum of HistoryMay 22, 2024, 14:43 • 22964 views

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