“The SBU detained FSB saboteurs who blew up the railway track in front of the train. Law enforcement officers detained the perpetrators for several hours, they face life imprisonment.”, — write on: unn.ua
The saboteurs made a homemade explosive device of remote control, which was filled with TNT and plastid. Ready-made explosives were placed under the railway rails and activated when the locomotive approached. For “reporting” to the occupiers, their henchmen recorded the undermining of the track on a phone camera.
According to the SBU, no one was injured as a result of the incident. The driver managed to stop the train in time, and after repairing the railway track, the echelon with the cargo continued to its destination.
The law enforcement officers arrested both criminals in a matter of hours “on hot pursuit”. Fleeing from the scene, the perpetrators changed cars and moved to another to hide the traces of the crime. However, it did not help them. During the search, elements of explosives and mobile phones with evidence of sabotage were seized from the detainees.
The SBU exposed the FSB agent network, which spied on volunteers in three citiesJanuary 7 2025, 09:21 • 24344 views
Two residents of Khmelnytskyi, aged 28 and 29, turned out to be saboteurs. One of them is a drug addict, the other is a deserter who voluntarily left his military unit and went into hiding.
Both young men came to the attention of the FSB when they were looking for “easy” earnings on thematic Telegram channels. However, instead of the promised money from the Russian Federation, the suspects received from the investigators of the Security Service a suspicion of ch. 2 Art. 113 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (sabotage committed under martial law).
The perpetrators are in custody. They face life imprisonment with confiscation of property.