“The government has increased the contract for military chaplains has increased the contract for military chaplains from three to six months. The procedure for issuing seats and informing the release of chaplains has also been changed.”, – WRITE ON: Unn.ua
The Government has approved amendments to the Regulation on the procedure for issuing a mandate for the right to carry out a military chaplaincy, approved by the Resolution N859 of 02.08.2022. The relevant project was developed by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine at the request of the Interfaith Council for Military Chaplaincy at the Ministry of Defense,
Basic innovations:
- Copies of the mandates will now be issued directly by the State Ethno -Policy Service and Freedom of Conscience.
- When the chaplains are released, the military should inform both the State Ethno -Policy Service and the central executive bodies responsible for military formations.
- The deadline for concluding a contract after receiving the mandate was increased from three to six months.
According to Deputy Minister of Defense Sergei Melnik, these changes are aimed at facilitating procedures and supporting the military who need spiritual assistance.
These changes are not just improving the procedures, but taking care of our military who defend Ukraine daily,
The head of the Humanitarian Support Department of the Ministry of Defense, Major Diana Kopanitsa, noted that this decision will help to attract more motivated people in the work of military chaplains.
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