“The Center for Combating Disinformation has refuted a fake video where American journalists allegedly mock the losses of the Ukrainian military. The video was created from two different recordings by MSNBC and Good Morning Cincinnati, which did not contain similar statements.”, — write on: unn.ua
This video is actually edited. It is created by merging two different records,
In particular, it is reported that the first recording is a report by the MSNBC TV channel about Ukrainian refugees, which was released back in April 2023.
But the second record is the TV show Good Morning Cincinnati from June 2024, which was broadcast by the local TV channel Local 12. Interestingly, it did not even mention Ukraine or the Ukrainian military.
Therefore, there are no such expressions and mockery in the original video materials.
We will remind
In December 2024, the Russian Federation lost a record 48,670 soldiers, with an average daily loss of 1,570 people. On December 19, a new record was set – 2,200 losses per day.