September 21, 2024
Not only fortifications: how security and defense are ensured in the Kyiv region thumbnail

Not only fortifications: how security and defense are ensured in the Kyiv region

Not only fortifications: how security and defense are ensured in the Kyiv region The head of KOVA spoke about security and defense measures in the region.”, — write on:

Security and defense are not only fortifications, but also assistance to the military, protection of energy facilities, construction of shelters. Ruslan Kravchenko, head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, said this in an interview with OBOZ.UA, reports UNN.

Security and defense are not only a matter of fortifications. This is constant assistance to the military, an increase in the number of mobile fire groups in the Kyiv region, the protection of energy facilities, and the construction of shelters. During the last year, more than 600 million hryvnias were allocated to help the military from the regional budget alone. Districts and communities of Kyiv region are actively involved in the assistance. We provide drones, cars, fuel, medical equipment. First of all, we are talking about our subordinate brigades – 72 named after them. Black Zaporizhia and 114 TrO. But we also help the air defense brigade, which protects the skies not only of Kyiv region, but also of Kyiv; National Guard, Special Operations Forces, intelligence

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The head of KOVA said that 72 pickup trucks were handed over to the mobile fire brigades of the Kyiv region together with the districts and responsible businesses, they were fully equipped with the necessary equipment at the expense of the regional budget, and the districts and businesses bought 5 minibuses for them. And the work on increasing the number of cars continues.

“Strengthening of air defense systems is one of the main issues that I raise during all meetings with our international partners, ambassadors of foreign countries. When we prepare questions for discussion, my team already jokes that first of all we ask for “cheetahs” (German anti-aircraft self-propelled artillery “Cheetah” – ed.).

An important security aspect is the construction of shelters.

“We are building shelters. There are more than 2,000 of them in the region, the majority of them – almost 1.3 – in educational institutions. Life cannot be put on hold, just like education. Therefore, safety comes first. By the way, I can say for sure that that Kyiv region has the best equipped shelters in schools and kindergartens. Most of them have a dual purpose,” said the head of KOVA.

As for fortifications, as Kravchenko emphasized, this issue is under constant control of the President of Ukraine.

Fortifications, the situation in the energy sector and the arrangement of shelters: Kravchenko about the meeting of the heads of the OVA with the PresidentJuly 15, 2024, 13:02 • 12608 views

“The arrangement of military engineering and technical fortification structures and lines of non-explosive barriers is carried out exclusively in accordance with the task set by the military, and under their clear supervision. We are talking about the entire complex – platoon strongholds, anti-tank ditches, inconspicuous obstacles, protective structures,” – Kravchenko listed the measures from the construction of fortifications, which are being carried out in the Kyiv region.

More than UAH 30 billion: Shmygal named this year’s amount of money aimed at fortifications and defense linesMarch 4, 2024, 11:19 am • 24518 views

He emphasized that the Kyiv region is the only region that immediately introduced multi-level anti-corruption control over the process of building defense facilities.

“Experts of the estimated part of construction projects, verification of financial statements and technical supervision of all construction works are carried out by specialists of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise. In parallel, the construction and technical expertise of the completed works is carried out by specialists of KNDISE and the Institute of Forensic Expertise named after late Prof. M.S. Bocarius.

We finally pay all contractors only after receiving expert opinions,” Kravchenko explained.

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The head of KOVA added that, of course, there are no problems with contractors.

“There are, of course, shortcomings. But when I remind you that you will have to answer to the law for everything, they immediately find all the opportunities to correct it. Quality and compliance with deadlines are my constant requirements. I come with inspections without warning. Sometimes you have to “adjust”, added Ruslan Kravchenko .

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