September 19, 2024
More than 60% of fires in Ukraine are caused by military actions - Ministry of Environment thumbnail

More than 60% of fires in Ukraine are caused by military actions – Ministry of Environment

More than 60% of fires in Ukraine are caused by military actions – Ministry of Environment The Ministry of Environmental Protection reports that most fires in Ukraine are caused by military actions. Due to shelling, the country is losing ecosystems, and the damage is estimated in billions.”, — write on:

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources said that more than 60% of fires are caused by Russian shelling. Oleksandr Krasnolutskyi, the First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, said this on the air of the telethon, reports UNN.

More than 60% of fires in Ukraine are caused by military actions, but a significant number of fires are caused by careless actions of people

According to him, due to Russian shelling, which causes fires, Ukraine is losing its ecosystems, and the damage caused is calculated in billions.

We will remind

In the Kyiv region, a fire broke out in warehouses, which was extinguished for several hours.

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