“He wrote about this on December 16 in his Telegram channel. The head of state emphasized that they rescue Ukrainian soldiers and civilians in the most extreme conditions, under…”, — write on: armyinform.com.ua
Read for: < 1 min. December 16, 2024, 1:21 p.m
He wrote about this on December 16 in his Telegram channel.
The head of state emphasized that they rescue Ukrainian soldiers and civilians in the most extreme conditions, under shelling and alarm signals, evacuate the wounded and carry out extremely complex operations.
“I thank everyone who dedicates himself to this important work – to help, treat, save Ukrainians – despite all the challenges and trials, protects the lives of our soldiers, our people, restores their health,” he said.
As reported by ArmiyaInform, Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that Russia used almost 630 guided aerial bombs, about 550 attack drones and more than 100 missiles of various types against Ukraine this week alone.