“This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, publishing on the Telegram channel a video of the interrogation of the first captured soldiers of the DPRK. “Except for the first captured…β, β write on: armyinform.com.ua
Read for: 2 min. January 12, 2025, 8:15 p.m
This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, publishing on the Telegram channel a video of the interrogation of the first captured soldiers of the DPRK.
“In addition to the first captured soldiers from North Korea, there will certainly be others. It’s only a matter of time before our boys manage to capture more. And no one in the world should have any doubt that the Russian army depends on the military assistance of the DPRK,” the President stressed.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy added that Putin started three years ago with NATO ultimatums and attempts to rewrite history, and now he cannot do without such military assistance from Pyongyang.
βFor those soldiers from North Korea who do not want to return, there may be some other avenues. In particular, those Koreans who show a desire to bring peace closer by spreading the truth about this war in Korean will have such an opportunity,” added the President.
As ArmiyaInform reported, soldiers of the Defense Forces of Ukraine captured the first North Korean servicemen who fought for the Rashists in Kurshchyna.
We are talking about two North Korean soldiers, one of whom was captured on January 9, 2025 by the fighters of tactical group No. 84 of the SSO, and the other by paratroopers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Immediately after capture, the foreigners were provided with all necessary medical care, as provided for by the Geneva Convention.
They were taken to Kyiv to carry out primary investigative measures. They are kept in proper conditions that meet the requirements of international legislation.