September 19, 2024
Military NEWS

Combat Boat 90: the expert talked about the advantages of combat boats that Ukraine will receive from Sweden

The ArmyInform correspondent was told about the purpose, tactical properties and combat capabilities of the SV90, as well as about the likely scenarios for the use of these boats, in particular in the Azov-Black Sea region…”, — write on:

Read for: 3 min. September 16, 2024, 6:09 am

Collage by Serhiy Polishchuk / ArmyInform Collage by Serhiy Polishchuk / ArmyInform On September 9, Sweden announced the 17th package of military aid to Ukraine. Among other things, Ukraine will receive 6 Combat Boat 90 combat boats.

The purpose, tactical properties and combat capabilities of the SV90, as well as the likely scenarios for the use of these boats, in particular in the Azov-Black Sea region, were told to the ArmyInform correspondent by the officer of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, retired captain of the 1st rank, candidate of military sciences Stepan Yakymyak.

Best in class It is known that these boats are the best in their class, as evidenced by their use by many countries, including the USA. It is no secret that the so-called “great maritime power” of the Russian Federation also at one time purchased several samples of such boats from a Swedish manufacturing company and built a dozen and a half of such boats.

The Swedish combat boats SV90 were produced in different versions and to perform different tasks, but during their design and creation, the main task was the rapid deployment and landing of amphibious assault groups on the coast.

This is evidenced by the special bow gear, the possibility of transporting a relatively large number of people in a special protected room and the small draft of the boat (0.8 m), which allows for a direct approach to the shore.

According to Stepan Yakymyak, these boats are primarily able to quickly and safely deliver personnel over considerable distances and covertly evacuate them.

— For example, in the conditions of hostilities on rivers 2 km wide, a group of six such boats can transfer a company of paratroopers in full equipment from one bank to another within 1.5-2 minutes. In sea areas, this unit can be overturned by the same group of boats to a distance of more than 400 km in about ten hours with the mandatory condition of providing combat support for this group and support, primarily from air strikes, – Stepan Yakymyak noted.

Infographics by Sergey Polishchuk / ArmyInformInfographics by Serhii Polishchuk / ArmiyaInform They set mines, patrol, evacuate the wounded Other advantages include increased maneuverability and the ability to approach directly to coasts of various types (rocky, sandy, marshy, etc.).

— In addition to amphibious, assault, and special operations, combat boats of the SV90 type, in case of their use by the Defense Forces of Ukraine, can be used to lay mines, to perform patrol tasks, transport troops and property, and evacuate the wounded. Also, these boats can perform tasks for the protection of sea and river communications and for combat support of forces operating in river and sea areas and on the coast.

In the case of operations along the sea coast and ensuring greater stealth of operations, the task of transferring several special-purpose groups to the coast controlled by the enemy can be successfully accomplished. When using such boats, it is necessary to carefully plan reconnaissance, surveillance and cover them from the air against the attacks of UAVs and enemy fighter-bomber aircraft.

So, the spectrum of tasks, taking into account the actual areas of operation of the Defense Forces of Ukraine on rivers, estuaries and the Black Sea, is actually very wide.

However, as Stepan Yakymyak adds, a much larger number of such boats is needed, which is due to the scale and scope of the areas of military operations and the combat capabilities of the enemy. If their number is sufficient, they could perform up to 40-60% of the main combat tasks of the surface forces of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at sea and rivers.

By the way, the spokesman of the Navy, Captain Third Rank Dmytro Pletenchuk, previously spoke about the options for using these boats.

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