September 30, 2024
In the Black Sea, Russia maintains one missile carrier with a total salvo of up to 4 "calibers" thumbnail

In the Black Sea, Russia maintains one missile carrier with a total salvo of up to 4 “calibers”

In the Black Sea, Russia maintains one missile carrier with a total salvo of up to 4 “calibres” There is one Russian cruise missile carrier ship “Calibre” with a total salvo of up to 4 missiles in the Black Sea. In the Mediterranean Sea – another ship with 16 Calibers.”, — write on:

  In the Black Sea, Russia maintains one missile carrier with a total range of up to 4

There is one Russian Kalibr cruise missile carrier in the Black Sea with a total salvo of up to 4 missiles. In the Mediterranean Sea – another ship with 16 Calibers.

One ship of the Russian Federation, which is the carrier of “Calibers”, continues combat duty in the Black Sea. This is stated in the operational information of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 6:00 a.m. on September 30, 2024, writes UNN.

In the Black Sea, 1 enemy ship, which is a carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles with a total salvo of up to 4 missiles; there are no enemy ships in the Sea of ​​Azov,


It is reported that there is 1 enemy ship in the Mediterranean Sea, which is a carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles with a total salvo of up to 16 missiles. During the day, in the interests of the Russian Federation, passage through the Kerch Strait was carried out by:

  • to the Black Sea – 3 vessels that continued their movement in the direction of the Bosphorus Strait;
  • to the Sea of ​​Azov – 10 ships, of which 2 were moving from the Bosphorus Strait.

The Black Sea does not belong to Russia, drones with a range of up to 1,800 km, cyber operations: Budanov spoke about the achievements of the GURSeptember 7, 2024, 10:43 am • 100622 views

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