September 25, 2024
Zelensky at the UN: this war cannot be calmed down with talks thumbnail

Zelensky at the UN: this war cannot be calmed down with talks

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is convinced that the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine “cannot be calmed down by talks.” “Necessary actions” – Russia must be forced to make peace. Zelensky reported this in Telegram. “We know that some people in the world want to talk to Putin. We know that. Meet, talk, communicate. But what exactly can they hear from him? That he is upset”, — write on:

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is convinced that the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine “cannot be calmed down by talks.” “Necessary actions” – Russia must be forced to make peace.

Zelensky reported this in Telegram.

“We know that some people in the world want to talk to Putin. We know that. Meet, talk, communicate. But what exactly can they hear from him? That he is upset because we are exercising our right to protect our people? Or that he wants to continue the war and terror just so that no one thinks he was wrong?” – said the president, speaking at the meeting of the UN Security Council in New York.

He emphasized that from the first second of this war, Russia is doing something that cannot be justified in any way according to the UN Charter, it is committing an international crime.

“That’s why this war cannot simply “cease”. That is why this war cannot be calmed down with talk. Necessary actions. And I am grateful to all the nations that really help in a way that saves the lives of our people,” Zelenskyy said.

He is convinced that Putin has violated so many international norms and rules that he will not stop himself. “Russia can only be forced to make peace. And this is exactly what is needed – to force Russia to make peace as the only aggressor in this war, the only violator of the UN Charter,” the president emphasized.

Before that, Zelensky’s interview with ABC News reported that Russia uses Chinese satellites to photograph nuclear power plants in Ukraine. And if she does this, there is a threat of an attack on these objects.

Earlier, on the night of September 22, the Russian strike drone “Shakhed” once again flew near the site of the Khmelnytsky NPP.

⚡️⚡️⚡️All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and fast news.

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