September 25, 2024
Zelenska handed over the books burned by the Russian attack on the printing house to the Harvard library thumbnail

Zelenska handed over the books burned by the Russian attack on the printing house to the Harvard library

The First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska visited Harvard University in the USA. She handed over copies of the Vivat publishing house’s books, mutilated as a result of the Russian attack, to the university library. This was announced in the official Telegram channel of Olena Zelenska. The First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, thanked the institution for its support of Ukraine, in particular, Serhiy Plokhi, a graduate of Dnipro University, “whose books have been carrying out an important mission of decolonization for many years”, — write on:

The First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska visited Harvard University in the USA. She handed over copies of the Vivat publishing house’s books, mutilated as a result of the Russian attack, to the university library.

This was announced in the official Telegram channel of Olena Zelenska.

The First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, thanked the institution for its support of Ukraine, in particular, Serhiy Plokhi, a graduate of Dnipro University, “whose books have been performing an important mission of decolonization, returning our history to us for many years.”

In addition, Olena Zelenska met with the administration of Harvard University.

“And to the library of the institution, which is famous for its Ukrainian collection, I have the honor of handing over special books – burned by the Russian attack on the Kharkiv printing house of the Vivat publishing house. On that tragic day, seven workers died in the printing house, and 150,000 textbooks were burned in the fire caused by the explosion. We want to keep the few copies that were found as a memory. And as evidence of what Russia is doing to us,” Zelenska emphasized.

She noted that spreading knowledge about Ukraine in the world, our history, and culture is an important form of resistance to the aggressor.

The first lady reminded that it was Harvard that started Ukrainian studies in the United States.

“This became possible thanks to two Ukrainian emigrant scientists – Ihor Shevchenko and Omelyan Pritsak, who had the idea of ​​creating a Ukrainian research institution in the United States back in 1957. It was a visionary and bold step – to tell the world the truth about the country, which was enslaved by the Soviet totalitarian empire at that time. This is how the Ukrainian Research Institute of Harvard University (Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute – HURI) was born,” said Olena Zelenska.

She added that this summer in Washington together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the President’s Fund for the Support of Education, Science and Sports, the Ukrainian Institute and the office of the Crimean Platform launched a large-scale initiative – the Global Coalition of Ukrainian Studies.

“It should unite all international projects (such as Harvard’s) and create new ones, so that even in the conditions of new imperial aggression against Ukraine, the truth will win again. To increase knowledge about Ukraine. Crimea, again enslaved by Russia, should get its place in these studios. He and the Crimean Tatars have long earned the right to an honest history and the attention of the world,” the first lady added.

It will be recalled that on May 23, Russian invaders launched a rocket attack on a printing house in Kharkiv. As a result of the attack, people died and 50,000 books were burned.

The American billionaire Howard Buffett’s foundation will help to restore equipment and book printing to the Kharkiv printing house “Faktor-Druk” destroyed by the Russians.

After the announcement of support for the Kharkiv publishing house Vivat, Ukrainians quadrupled their orders on its website. The publishing house’s production was destroyed as a result of an attack on the printing press.

In the summer of 2024, the Vivat publishing house, which is part of the Factor group of companies, together with the Factor-Druk printing house destroyed by a Russian missile, opened a bookstore in Chernivtsi.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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