September 20, 2024
You won't even find it on the market: products from the times of the USSR that you will never try thumbnail

You won’t even find it on the market: products from the times of the USSR that you will never try

Everyone has probably heard about Soviet cream soda from vending machines. But this is not the only product that is no longer sold.”, — write:

Everyone has probably heard about Soviet cream soda from vending machines. But this is not the only product that is no longer sold.

Some popular products in the USSR you will never try / photo REUTERSSome popular products in the USSR you will never try / photo REUTERSYou’ve probably heard stories from your grandparents and even your parents about what life was like during the Soviet Union. And in these stories, the main “chip” of the USSR is Soviet products. UNIAN will tell you which products of the USSR you will never try.

Products of the USSR, which are no longer availableWe have collected the top 7 products that you will not see on store shelves or in the markets. Some of them are not produced at all, in others the recipe has seriously changed, so you will not be able to try a similar product.

Medicinal sausage

Although even now the counters are full of various types of cooked sausage, many people who lived in the USSR complain that real medicinal sausage according to GOST is simply not produced anymore.

In Soviet times, this sausage was considered dietary – with reduced fat. It began to be produced in Moscow in 1936. This sausage was often prescribed to people with health problems.

The composition of modern doctor’s sausage is very different from Soviet standards.

Tea in briquettes

Another very popular product in the USSR was tea in briquettes. And no, this is not an analogue of modern Chinese pressed teas. To brew it, it was not necessary to throw a whole briquette into the brewer – it was enough to break off a small piece.

There were 14 varieties of Georgian tea in briquettes. Fruit varieties were very popular.

Iwasi herring

Iwasi is a Far Eastern sardine. This fish disappeared from the shelves back in the 90s. By the way, it was on the basis of this fish that the legendary salad “Herring under a fur coat” was prepared.

The reason for the disappearance of this product from store shelves was not the collapse of the USSR. The fact is that this fish is no longer in the waters near Kamchatka or the Khabarovsk Territory of the Russian Federation – now it can be found closer to Japan.

Cream soda

Everyone has probably heard about Soviet cream soda from vending machines. This vanilla-cream flavored drink was also served in cafes. People who once lived in the USSR claim that the modern drink is not at all similar to the Soviet cream soda.

Chewing gum “Turbo”

Turkish-made “Turbo” chewing gums appeared in the USSR in the 1980s. Among the flavors were peach, apple, watermelon, melon and strawberry. It is worth noting that the price of these chewing gum at that time was quite high, and fakes often happened.

But it was not the taste that made Turbo chewing gum legendary, but the insert. It could depict a motorcycle or a car.

By the way, they could also be found by people born after the collapse of the USSR. They stopped producing them only in 2008.

Soviet sealer

Vanilla filling from the USSR, according to the stories of people who tasted it, was the best in the whole world. It was distinguished by a pronounced milky taste, and also attracted people with its natural composition.

It is noteworthy that this filling was served in restaurants outside the Soviet Union. Abroad, it was considered a premium ice cream.

Bulgarian ketchup

Ketchup from the Bulgarploexport manufacturer was incredibly popular in Soviet times. It was sold in glass bottles. Such a taste cannot be found in current ketchups.

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