“When should a business owner pay attention to operational processes?”, — write: www.epravda.com.ua
Knowing your business to the smallest detail is the main rule of a successful entrepreneur. This seems obvious, but in reality many focus only on the “big picture” and ignore the operating room. However, it determines the strategic strength of any company.
Implementation of strategy is based on detailsOften, the strategy is associated with large-scale goals: market expansion, investment attraction, development of new niches. But turning these ideas into reality starts with understanding how your business works on a day-to-day basis.
Each process is part of a single system, where the smallest detail affects the final result. If you do not know how the basic operations are performed – from the packaging of goods to the interaction of managers with customers – then your strategy is not based on real opportunities, but on ambitions.
Operational processes are the foundation for a leapOperational processes are often considered “routine” and not worthy of the owner’s attention. For example, you have decided to increase the volume of delivery, but is your logistics system ready to withstand this load? If you cannot answer this question, the strategy risks failure.
Steve Jobs used a similar approach, paying great attention to quality control. During production of the iPhone 4, he refused to start the series due to a paint mismatch, despite the team’s displeasure with the production delay.
Jobs always insisted on high standards, which made it possible to create a product that leaves an imprint on the market.
At Nova Poshta, we follow the same principle: we can delegate tasks, but not the knowledge of how every aspect of our business works.
Professional attention is a competitive advantageControlling daily activities helps anticipate problems before they occur and identify opportunities for improvement. The ability to see what others miss gives you an advantage when market conditions become unpredictable and competitors can’t keep up with the changes.
For example, we are now increasingly receiving applications from women for positions that were traditionally considered male. We already have women drivers in city logistics, on long-distance routes and among couriers. This became an important signal – the labor market is becoming more diverse, and the effects of the demographic crisis are already felt.
Our task as an employer is to create affordable and convenient workplaces for everyone. This includes not only women, but also people with disabilities and veterans who also deserve comfortable working conditions.
That is why we are introducing new technologies – testing exoskeletons, purchasing electric dresses and providing couriers with special carts to facilitate their work.
How to know your business down to the last detail?The first thing you should do is become part of the process. Get out of your office, talk to people at different levels in your company, observe their work. Find out how your suppliers and partners work, what problems may arise on the way of the product to the customer.
The second is constant analysis. It is important not only to know what is happening, but also to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of each operation. No process is so perfect that it cannot be improved. Data and metrics are your tools for adjusting internal systems and strategy.
And the third is team training. Your team must understand not only their responsibilities, but also how their work affects the overall outcome. When each employee understands their role, the company becomes more productive.
Remember that the one who understands his business better wins. Don’t be afraid to study the details – they are the key to its real growth and stability.