September 20, 2024
Ukrainians answered whether they would move to the USA or the EU in case of obtaining citizenship thumbnail

Ukrainians answered whether they would move to the USA or the EU in case of obtaining citizenship

The Kyiv International Institute of Sociology asked Ukrainians whether they would move to live in the USA or any European country if they were granted citizenship. 79% of respondents said that they would still stay in Ukraine. Sociologists asked the question: “Would you move to live in the USA or the EU if you were granted citizenship without conditions?”. Now, in 2024, 79% of Ukrainians have firmly declared”, — write on:

The Kyiv International Institute of Sociology asked Ukrainians whether they would move to live in the USA or any European country if they were granted citizenship.

79% of respondents said that they would still stay in Ukraine.

Sociologists asked the question: “Would you move to live in the USA or the EU if you were granted citizenship without conditions?”.

Now, in 2024, 79% of Ukrainians firmly stated that they would stay at home. 19% said they would move to another country.

At the start of the full-scale invasion, 91% of Ukrainians said they would stay in Ukraine no matter what, and only 7% expressed a desire to go abroad to build a life in the US or Europe.

In 2020, there was the largest percentage of those willing to move to another country – 28%. 69% declared their decision to stay in Ukraine. In 2020, almost 46% of Ukrainians aged 18-29 wanted to go abroad. By September 2022, this figure had dropped to 13%, and by September 2024, it had risen to 26%.

Sociologists found out that today 74% of young Ukrainians still want to stay in the country. A similar trend is observed among people aged 30-44, where 75% also do not plan to leave Ukraine.

The majority of men (70%) do not want to leave Ukraine, and only 27% want to leave. Among women, 80% do not plan to leave, and 18% intend to move.

As KMIS emphasizes, these data are provided for both sexes to show that men’s desire to leave cannot be linked to mobilization alone. For example, in 2020, more men than women also wanted to emigrate. However, even if possible, the majority of men of mobilization age remain in Ukraine.

A new survey showed that 88% of Ukrainians have a positive attitude to renaming cities, streets or squares in honor of fallen soldiers, soldiers and veterans.

More than half of Ukrainians support the idea of ​​creating international temporary administrations in the liberated territories of Crimea and Donbas.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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