September 20, 2024
Ukrainian polar explorers showed Dominican martins near the Akademik Vernadskyi station (Photo) thumbnail

Ukrainian polar explorers showed Dominican martins near the Akademik Vernadskyi station (Photo)

Some of the Dominican martins do not fly away from the island at the end of autumn, but stay for the winter, writes the National Antarctic Science Center. Photo: Anna Soina. National Antarctic Science Center/Facebook These birds are considered the main “gardeners” of Antarctica. For their nests, they use a variety of local vegetation, including Antarctic pike and several types of moss. “They purposefully collect all this and carry it over considerable distances, in such a way”, — write on:

Some of the Dominican martins do not fly away from the island at the end of autumn, but stay for the winter, writes the National Antarctic Science Center.

Ukrainian polar explorers showed Dominican martins near the station
Photo: Anna Soina. National Antarctic Science Center/Facebook

These birds are considered the main “gardeners” of Antarctica. For their nests, they use a variety of local vegetation, including Antarctic pike and several types of moss.

“They purposefully collect all this and carry it to considerable distances, spreading the plants in this way,” the post reads.

Ukrainian polar explorers showed Dominican martins near the station
Photo: Anna Soina. National Antarctic Science Center/Facebook

Dominican martins feed on molluscs and sea urchins.

“Food tables are set up near the hunting grounds among the coastal rocks, where scattered mollusc shells and split urchin shells have been accumulating for centuries,” the National Antarctic Science Center added.

Dominican martins are similar and close relatives of common yellow-legged martins from the banks of the Dnieper and the Ukrainian sea coasts. These species have the same size, white head, neck and body, yellow beak with a red spot and yellow paws. However, in adults of Dominican martins, the tail is white, and the wings and back are mostly black, while in yellow-legged, on the contrary, gray color prevails in these parts of the body.

Previously, Ukrainian polar explorers from the station named after Vernadsky in Antarctica filmed an unusual phenomenon – a solar halo.

Ukrainian polar explorers also showed footage of “white nights” in the Antarctic, where it is now late spring and the day is very long.

The emperor penguin visited the Ukrainian polar explorers at the Academician Vernadsky scientific station in Antarctica. This bird has not been seen on Galindez Island since December 2020.

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