September 30, 2024
Ukrainian kindergartens are preparing to teach English, - MES thumbnail

Ukrainian kindergartens are preparing to teach English, – MES

English will be taught in kindergartens from 2026. For this, educators are already undergoing advanced training. Deputy Minister of Education Yevgenia Smirnova said this in an interview for “Dzerkalo Tyzhnia”. According to her, in accordance with the law on the use of the English language from September 2026, children will be taught English in all kindergartens of Ukraine. The Ministry has developed an algorithm for teaching preparation”, — write on:

English will be taught in kindergartens from 2026. For this, educators are already undergoing advanced training.

Deputy Minister of Education Yevgenia Smirnova said this in an interview for “Dzerkalo Tyzhnia”. According to her, in accordance with the law on the use of the English language from September 2026, children will be taught English in all kindergartens of Ukraine. The Ministry has developed an algorithm for training teachers to teach.

In particular, for those who do not speak English at all or have a minimal level, language courses are held free of charge. They also organized courses on teaching methods of the English language especially for children of preschool age.

In addition, educators will be able to use a special repository of materials and a methodical advisor with recommendations for organizing and conducting classes in classes with preschoolers.

“These are not all the initiatives, and we are gradually moving towards providing each preschool education institution with teachers who will teach English,” Smirnova assured.

Earlier, the Ministry of Education and Science approved the updated curriculum of the subject “Defense of Ukraine”: now students of grades 10-11, in particular, will study weapons, military equipment and protection of civilians.

Pupils of grades 10-11 will study the subject “Defense of Ukraine” in specially created “cells”, of which there will be about 1,200 units throughout the country.

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