September 21, 2024
Ukraine's victory plan will be open to everyone — Zelensky thumbnail

Ukraine’s victory plan will be open to everyone — Zelensky

Ukraine’s victory plan will be available to all countries. Russia should see him as well as be at the second peace summit. This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the statement of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi at a meeting with journalists on September 20. “We declared that we are ready to see Russia at the second peace summit, because all our allies, including the closest ones, who are at our”, — write on:

Ukraine’s victory plan will be available to all countries. Russia should see him as well as be at the second peace summit.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the statement of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi at a meeting with journalists on September 20.

“We declared that we are ready to see Russia at the second peace summit, because all our allies, including the closest ones who are on our side and always against Russian aggression, all said that Russia should be at the second summit. Because Russia is at war against Ukraine. There cannot be an end to the war without one of the parties,” Zelenskyy said.

Currently, according to him, Ukraine is actively working on a victory plan, three points of which have already been prepared, meetings have taken place in an online format.

“There will be offline and online meetings. And as we said at the beginning of November, the whole plan will be ready. This will be the start and foundation for speaking in any format with Russia. In any format, with any of its representatives, because there will be a plan and something to show. If they don’t like it, their reaction to the specifics will be understandable, not just in general – we don’t want anything and will continue the war. Although I believe that today that is exactly what they want, just to continue,” the president assured.

In addition, Zelenskyi noted that the victory plan envisages quick and concrete steps by Ukraine’s strategic partners from now until the end of December.

“Specific actions that depend exclusively on partners, and no one will tell me that it depends on the Russian side. The plan is simply a bridge to the peace summit and to any stage of ending the war. A bridge that strengthens Ukraine. Strengthens it politically, in terms of weapons, and in understanding what our future will be after the war. The plan will be presented to President Biden, US presidential candidates and all other partners. In my opinion, the plan will be open to all, including societies in different countries. And Russia should see him. Because this plan strengthens Ukraine. And they should know about it,” the head of state stated.

We will remind that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky next week in New York during the UN General Assembly. The meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 23.

Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida will hold a separate meeting with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during his last foreign trip as the head of the Japanese government to the United States.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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