“President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy had a conversation with his Czech counterpart Peter Pavel. They discussed the newly created Ministry of National Unity. Zelenskyi wrote about this in Telegram. According to Zelenskyi, they discussed in detail the possibilities of allies to train Ukrainian military brigades following the example of France and the USA. They also discussed the Czech initiative to supply artillery shells and the defense needs of our country. “We discussed”, — write on: ua.news
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi had a conversation with his Czech counterpart Peter Pavel. They discussed the newly created Ministry of National Unity.
Zelensky wrote about this in Telegram.
According to Zelenskyi, they discussed in detail the possibilities of allies to train Ukrainian military brigades following the example of France and the USA.
They also discussed the Czech initiative to supply artillery shells and the defense needs of our country.
“We discussed the possibility of opening a representative office of the newly created Ministry of National Unity in the Czech Republic,” Zelenskyy wrote.
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