September 22, 2024
Ukraine negotiates with the IAEA about missions to power substations targeted by Russia thumbnail

Ukraine negotiates with the IAEA about missions to power substations targeted by Russia

The Ministry of Energy is negotiating with the IAEA so that international partners and agencies can expand the monitoring mission to other objects in the energy sector. First of all, we are talking about key substations. Deputy Minister of Energy Mykola Kolisnyk announced this on the air of the Yedyny Novyny telethon. “The Ministry of Energy, in accordance with the mandate of the Office of the President, cooperates as much as possible with the IAEA so that international partners and agencies expand their monitoring mission”, — write on:

The Ministry of Energy is negotiating with the IAEA so that international partners and agencies can expand the monitoring mission to other objects in the energy sector. First of all, we are talking about key substations.

Deputy Minister of Energy Mykola Kolisnyk announced this on the air of the Yedyny Novyni telethon.

“The Ministry of Energy, in accordance with the mandate of the President’s Office, cooperates as much as possible with the IAEA so that international partners and agencies expand their monitoring mission to other objects in the energy sector, namely, to key substations. The first results are already available. Work in this direction is being conducted quite actively,” the Deputy Minister noted.

Answering a question about possible strikes by the Russian Federation on nuclear energy facilities of Ukraine, Kolisnyk said that the relevant information from the special services was passed on to international partners. In addition, the relevant data were submitted to the IAEA.

According to the Ministry of Energy, an attack on key substations poses a direct threat to the energy and radiation security of the entire region.

“Accordingly, in order to avoid such an incident, we call upon all international partners as much as possible to counter the enemy’s intentions,” he said.

Also, the Deputy Minister of Energy noted that the repair campaign for damaged civil energy infrastructure facilities is currently underway.

“Actually, we are focused on restoring as much as possible the operation of those energy facilities where it is possible to carry out repairs. To this end, we are actively interacting with international partners — in order to obtain all the necessary equipment and for the entire repair campaign to meet the necessary and established schedules,” Kolisnyk said.

Earlier, the IAEA emphasized the importance of stable connection of Ukrainian nuclear power plants to the grid.

Over the past few weeks, more than 70 drones and more than 30 cruise missiles of the Russian Federation were recorded flying near Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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