September 20, 2024
Ukraine is the fifth country in the world in terms of the level of development of digital public services thumbnail

Ukraine is the fifth country in the world in terms of the level of development of digital public services

Ukraine rose to fifth place in the world in terms of the level of development of digital public services.”, — write:

Ukraine rose to fifth place in the world in terms of the level of development of digital public services.

About this informs press service of the Ministry of Digital with reference to research E-Government Development Index.

It is reported that during the work of the Ministry of Digitization, Ukraine rose from 102nd place to 5th place in the Online services Index rating.

“The digital state, which began with the idea of ​​President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, is proving its effectiveness in world rankings not for the first time. Ukrainians consider digitalization to be one of the most successful reforms,” ​​the message states.

Ukraine also took first place in terms of E-Participation. It measures how willing citizens are to engage in government processes through online platforms.

The message reminds that the “Action” application already has 20.9 million users, for whom 21 documents and more than 30 services are available. And on the Diya portal, almost 6 million people receive more than 120 transparent services.

The study also states that Ukraine ranks 30th in the world according to the e-Government Development Index.

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