September 20, 2024
Ukraine can export biomethane already in November 2024 thumbnail

Ukraine can export biomethane already in November 2024

Ukraine can start exporting biomethane to Europe in November 2024 after sufficient storage stocks and proper personnel training.”, — write:

Ukraine can start exporting biomethane to Europe in November 2024 after sufficient storage stocks and proper personnel training.

This was stated by the chairman of the board of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, Heorhiy Heletukha. transmits Ukrinform.

He said that there are currently 7 biomethane plants in Ukraine, which are planned to be launched by the end of 2024. Two of them produce liquefied biomethane and do not require connection to the gas station.

“And 5 will be connected to gas networks: one – to the “Operator of GTS of Ukraine”, four – to distribution networks. As far as I know, two of those plants that will be connected to distribution networks are the most ready,” Geletukha noted. According to him, these enterprises already have contracts for connection.

At the same time, the expert emphasized that the law, which opened opportunities for biomethane export, stipulates that the gas must first be pumped into gas storage facilities for a month. For this, biomethane producers must learn to work with the OGTSU platform, and for the export itself – understand the mechanisms of the gas market.

“I think it will take some time. Then the biomethane producers will pump gas for a month. I think that in November someone will already accumulate a batch of biomethane and will be ready to export it,” Geletukha said.

According to his assessment, all 7 biomethane plants that are planning to start operation can produce 111 million cubic meters of gas per year. The two plants that are most ready to start operating can produce a total of 6 million cubic meters of biomethane per year.

The expert noted that it is too early to make predictions for the year 2025 regarding the development of biomethane production, because potential investors will wait for the first results of biomethane export.

We will remind:

There are 7 biomethane projects in Ukraine, which are planning to launch already in 2024.

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