September 24, 2024
Ukraine and Poland will jointly develop mixed transportation to Asia thumbnail

Ukraine and Poland will jointly develop mixed transportation to Asia

“Ukrzaliznytsia” together with Polish state railways is working on the development of intermodal routes between Europe and Asia. This was reported by the company’s press service. Despite the war, Ukraine remains key to the creation of efficient transport routes between the EU and Asia. One of these routes runs through China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine and Poland. The main goal of this cooperation is to restore the Eurasian intermodal connection”, — write on:

Ukrzaliznytsia, together with Polish state railways, is working on the development of intermodal routes between Europe and Asia.

This was reported by the company’s press service.

Despite the war, Ukraine remains key to the creation of efficient transport routes between the EU and Asia. One of these routes runs through China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine and Poland.

The main goal of this cooperation is to restore the Eurasian intermodal connection and improve freight transportation at border crossings between Poland and Ukraine, which will contribute to strengthening trade and economic ties.

We previously wrote that in the first 7 months of 2024, Ukrzaliznytsia transported 20.86 million tons of grain for export. Despite Russia’s attack, Ukrainian grain continues to support the country’s economy and feed the world.

We will also remind you that Ukrzaliznytsia is implementing Wi-Fi in Intercity and Intercity+ high-speed trains, providing passengers with free Internet access during test operation.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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