September 20, 2024
Transporters whose drivers fled abroad were punished in Ukraine thumbnail

Transporters whose drivers fled abroad were punished in Ukraine

16 carriers were disconnected from the “Shlyah” system, exposed in systematic violation of the rules of crossing the state border by conscripts. Simply put, their drivers went abroad and never came back. This is reported by Ukrtransbezpeky. The Commission on Termination of Licensees’ Access to the Unified Complex of Information Systems of Ukrtransbezpeka decided to disconnect the following carriers from the “Shlyah” System for three months: FOP Murashkin Serhiy Gennadiyovych FOP”, — write on:

16 carriers were disconnected from the “Shlyah” system, exposed in systematic violation of the rules of crossing the state border by conscripts. Simply put, their drivers went abroad and never came back.

This is reported by Ukrtransbezpeky.

The Commission on Termination of Licensees’ Access to the Unified Complex of Information Systems of Ukrtransbezpeka decided to disconnect the following carriers from the “Shlyah” System for three months:

  • FOP Murashkin Serhii Gennadiyovych
  • FOP Likhtei Artem Viktorovych
  • FOP Pedorchenko Artem Leonidovych
  • FOP Radomsky Dmytro Valeryovych
  • Andriy Mykolayovych, FOP of Yatsiura
  • FOP Oleksandr Yakovych Hontyuk
  • FOP Aronets Serhiy Anatoliyovych
  • FOP Smulsky Oleksandr Oleksandrovych
  • FOP Dubovik Maksym Yuriyovych
  • FOP Blazhenko Oleksandr Mykhailovych
  • FOP Taran Vadim Volodymyrovych
  • FOP Simagutin Andrii Vyacheslavovich
  • FOP Kolyadiuk Vasyl Pavlovich

We will remind that a foreigner, who sold fake temporary conscript cards to conscripts for 5.5 thousand dollars, will be tried in Kyiv, because of his alleged unfitness for service due to his health.

On April 30, the Kyiv City Prosecutor’s Office reported that the head of the psychiatric department of the capital’s hospital would be tried in the capital, who for money made false diagnoses for evaders.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

!function(){var t=new Date;try{t=new Date(t.toLocaleString(“en-US”,{timeZone:”Europe/Kiev”}))}catch(e){}var r,n ,a=[t.getFullYear().toString(),(“0″+(t.getMonth()+1).toString()).substr(-2),(“0″+t.getDate().toString()).substr(-2)].join(“”),o=(n=(r=document.getElementsByClassName(“r24686″)).length)?r[n-1]:null,s=function(){var t,e,r=””,n=”abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz”,a=Math.floor(2*Math.random()+4);for(t=0;t

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