“We select the best used crossovers of the premium segment within $20,000, released no earlier than 2010, and which have proven themselves well in terms of reliability and cost of maintenance. We only live once. Therefore, it is worth living to the fullest. Why drive budget cars, if for the same money you can buy “the best” and feel like the master of life? That’s how many people think, and it’s hard to blame them. After all, having”, — write on: ua.news
We choose the best used crossovers of the premium segment within $20,000, released no earlier than 2010, and which have proven themselves well in terms of reliability and cost of maintenance.
We only live once. Therefore, it is worth living to the fullest. Why drive a budget car, if you can buy one for the same money “the very top” and feel like the master of life?
T many people reason, and it is difficult to reproach them for this.
After all, with $20,000 on hand, there is practically nothing to choose from among new cars. Well-known manufacturers are rare for this money “compact cars”. And there are only Chinese crossovers in this segment, and those are small and not the most “stuffed.”
Of course, $20,000 can buy a fairly fresh mid-range car. For example, anything from Renault, Nissan or Mazda at about 5-7 years of age.
But if you are guided by the philosophy described above, and always strive for a premium, then the age of the car is not such an obstacle.
Therefore, in this article we will choose older crossovers of the highest class.