September 20, 2024
Together with Norway, Ukraine has started the implementation of two nuclear safety projects thumbnail

Together with Norway, Ukraine has started the implementation of two nuclear safety projects

The nuclear regulators of Ukraine and Norway have started the implementation of two new joint projects aimed at improving nuclear safety in Ukraine. The first project, called NORM, deals with the safe handling of non-nuclear naturally occurring radioactive materials. As part of this project, it is planned to conduct an analysis of Ukrainian industrial enterprises that work with such materials, as well as to identify shortcomings in this area. Expected result”, — write on:

The nuclear regulators of Ukraine and Norway have started the implementation of two new joint projects aimed at improving nuclear safety in Ukraine.

The first project, called NORM, deals with the safe handling of non-nuclear naturally occurring radioactive materials. As part of this project, it is planned to conduct an analysis of Ukrainian industrial enterprises that work with such materials, as well as to identify shortcomings in this area. The expected result is the development of four normative legal documents that will become the basis for regulating this issue in Ukraine.

The second project, called ARGOS, is aimed at improving preparedness for radiation accidents. It provides for the transfer of specialized software to Ukraine, as well as training for Ukrainian specialists. Currently, the process of setting up the system and training specialists is underway.

The history of cooperation between Ukraine and Norway in this area began back in 2014, and after February 24, 2022, both countries expanded cooperation to survey the territories affected by the Russian occupation and restore regulatory control over nuclear facilities.

Earlier we wrote that Norway stated that the increased level of radioactive cesium (Cs-137) near the Arctic border with Russia is probably related to the fire in the Chernobyl forests.

We will also remind you that the Government of Norway has additionally allocated NOK 570 million (EUR 48.28 million) for the purchase of drones and air defense equipment for Ukraine.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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