“For the first time in many years, Russia is close to losing the leading position in the global grain market. In 2025, the removal of grain from the country abroad will be reduced by one third.”, – WRITE: epravda.com.ua
For the first time in many years, Russia is close to losing the leading position in the global grain market. In 2025, the removal of grain from the country abroad will be reduced by one third. So predicts the Russian Grain Union – one of the largest profile associations, which includes almost 300 agricultural organizations that provide 90% of national grain exports, writes The Moscow Times. According to the RZS, agrarians will sell 48-49 million tons of grain next year next year. Wheat exports can be reduced to 41-42 million tons, said President of the RZC Arkady Zlochevsky at a press conference. Compared to last year, the decline will be more than 16 million tonnes, or 28%. Grain exports, which is part of the main sources of foreign exchange earnings for the economy, and in 2023 brought $ 15.5 billion, is already rapidly falling. According to the Center “Transerno”, at the end of January, volumes decreased by 42% year compared to this month of 2024, and since the beginning of the month, agrarians were exported about 2.5 million tons. The fall in January has always been, “but never twice”, says Zlochevsky. Advertising: the export of grain is reduced after the harvest that hit the bad weather and the decision of the authorities to prohibit the import of seeds. The duties on the export of grain, which have been operating since 2021, and the result of the State Policy in Agriculture, will be an additional blow to agricultures, and the result of the State Policy in agriculture “to the Soviet level, below the plinths,” Zlochevsky said. Recall that advertising: Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin is increasingly worried about problems in Russia’s military economy, just when Donald Trump actively calls for the end of the conflict in Ukraine.