September 25, 2024
To promote peace in Ukraine, Russia's military cooperation with Iran, North Korea and China must be stopped - Blinken thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

To promote peace in Ukraine, Russia’s military cooperation with Iran, North Korea and China must be stopped – Blinken

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is convinced that in order to promote peace in Ukraine, it is necessary to stop the attempts of Iran, the DPRK, as well as China to fuel aggression, as well as to support Ukraine’s peace initiatives. Source: Blinken during his speech at the UN Security Council meeting on Tuesday, dedicated to the situation in Ukraine, Ukrinform quotes Blinken’s direct speech: “There are two immediate and interrelated steps that we must take.”, — write:

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is convinced that in order to promote peace in Ukraine, it is necessary to stop the attempts of Iran, the DPRK, as well as China to fuel aggression, as well as to support Ukraine’s peace initiatives.

Source: Blinken during a speech at the UN Security Council meeting on Tuesday, dedicated to the situation in Ukraine, Ukrinform quotes

Direct speech Blinken: “There are two immediate and interrelated steps we must take. First, we must respond to Russia’s growing cooperation with North Korea and Iran.”

Details: The US Secretary of State reminded that Iran supplies UAVs to Russia and built a factory for the production of drones in the Russian Federation, and just a few weeks ago “handed Russia hundreds of short-range ballistic missiles.” Meanwhile, North Korea is delivering trainloads of weapons and ammunition to Russia, including rocket launchers and millions of artillery shells.

Direct speech Blinken: “These actions of Iran, North Korea and Russia violated numerous resolutions of the UN Security Council, for which the Russian Federation voted and as a permanent member bears a special responsibility for their implementation.”

Details: Blinken also emphasized that this is a two-way street, and the DPRK, along with Iran, receives help from Russia to circumvent sanctions and further destabilize the situation in their regions.

Direct speech Blinken: “North Korea and Iran are not the only ones helping Russia. China, another permanent member of this Council, is a leading supplier of machine tools, microelectronics and other goods that Russia uses to rebuild, resupply, build up its military machine and maintain its brutal aggression”.

“There is a deep difference: Russia is the aggressor, Ukraine is the victim. Russia is fighting to conquer, Ukraine is fighting to survive. If other countries stop supporting Russia, Putin’s invasion will soon end. If Ukraine is not supported, Ukraine can quickly cease to exist.”

Details: In this connection, Blinken emphasized that the second step that the members of the UN Security Council can take is to support Ukraine’s initiatives towards a just and sustainable peace.

Direct speech Blinken: “Ukraine has repeatedly stated that diplomacy is the only way to end this war and that it is ready for negotiations. On the other hand, Putin is not interested in such a peace.”

“Stop those who support and fuel Putin’s aggression and demand a just peace in compliance with the principles of the United Nations Charter.”

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