September 30, 2024
There were 11 temperature records in Kyiv in September - Sreznevsky observatory thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

There were 11 temperature records in Kyiv in September – Sreznevsky observatory

Three records were set in the capital in recent days”, — write:

In September, 11 temperature records were set in Kyiv, the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory reports on Facebook.

According to meteorologists, three records were set in the capital in recent days, in particular, the minimum air temperature on September 27 turned out to be the highest for that day – it did not drop below 17.3 degrees Celsius, the previous record value of 2015 was exceeded by 1.9 degrees.

The minimum air temperature on September 28 in Kyiv was also the highest for this day and decreased to only 17.5 – the previous record value of 1927 was exceeded by one degree, and the average daily air temperature was the highest for this date and amounted to 23.1 degrees, which exceeded the previous the record indicator of the same year in 1927 by 2, and the climatic norm – by 9.9 degrees, the Sreznevsky observatory adds.

Earlier, the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center predicted that the air temperature will be above the climatic norm in autumn.

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