March 14, 2025
The Verkhovna Rada adopted a 50% discount law thumbnail

The Verkhovna Rada adopted a 50% discount law

Instead of UAH 17,000 will only need to pay 8500 UAH”, – WRITE:

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the bill on March 13 №12093which provides a 50% discount on fines for military personnel who voluntarily pay for a violation of military accounting, according to a card on the website of Parliament.

According to the adopted document, the military, which was brought to administrative responsibility, will be able to apply to the authorized bodies and pay a fine of 50% less than 10 days.

Instead of UAH 17,000, you will only need to pay 8500 UAH. This possibility is provided if the offender does not deny his or her guilt and is ready for administrative responsibility.

The payment for payment of discounts can be submitted personally in writing or through an electronic office in the reserve+system. After submission of the application, the head of the shopping center checks it within three days and makes a resolution on the case.

The law also proposes to close administrative cases for violation of military accounting for those men who will voluntarily join military service.

One of the main goals of this bill is to fill the state budget through voluntary payment of fines and encourage citizens to update their data in the military accounting system timely. The law also aims to reduce the burden on the administrative system, which can help more quickly resolve issues related to accounting violations, according to the explanatory note to the bill.

May 18 The mobilization law came into force. Among other things, he assumes that all conscripts, recruits and reservists from 18 to 60 years had to update their data by July 16.

On May 9, the Verkhovna Rada approved in the second reading of the Law No. 10379 on amendments to the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses for violation of mobilization rules.

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