September 24, 2024
The Vadym Stolar Foundation presented "Stories of the Strong" in Warsaw and Brussels thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

The Vadym Stolar Foundation presented “Stories of the Strong” in Warsaw and Brussels

Vadym Stolar Foundation presented “Stories of the Strong” in Warsaw and BrusselsVadim Stolar Foundation presented “Stories of the Strong” in Warsaw and Brussels.”, — write on:

Vadym Stolar Charitable Foundation presented the book “Stories of the Strong” in Warsaw and Brussels. The presentations took place in the format of a theatrical performance based on fragments from the book and with the participation of famous actors of Kyiv theaters.

“From the first days of the full-scale Russian invasion, the team of volunteers of the Vadym Stolar Foundation began to actively help Ukrainians in various ways. We organized evacuation, brought hot food, food, medicine, and basic necessities. Many people told us their real stories, shared their experiences. It was then in we had the idea to collect these stories in one book and tell about them to all of Ukraine and the whole world. This is the truth about the bloody war, about the horrors of the occupation and about the facts of the crimes of the Russian army, the culprits of which must be identified, named and punished.” – said Nataliya Prykhodko, a volunteer of the Foundation.

In Warsaw, the event was organized with the support of the Wilianów district administration and the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce. The guests of the presentation were both Ukrainians and citizens of Poland. In particular, the event was attended by the vice-president of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce Andrzej Drozd.

The presentation of the book in Brussels was also attended by representatives of the official institutions of the European Union, in particular the chief adviser to the Director General of the European Commission for International Cooperation Henrik Hololei.

Already the first presentations of the book “Stories of the Strong” abroad caused quite a stir and gained considerable publicity. The audience could not contain their emotions, experiencing together with the actors the tragic events of the war unleashed by Russia, feeling for themselves this contrast between the peaceful life in Europe and the suffering of people in Ukraine.

From Warsaw and Brussels, the Foundation started the “History of the Strong” journey around the world. After all, it is planned to present the book in other European countries and in the United States of America.

“Our goal was to show the war and Ukraine in the war as they are seen by Ukrainians themselves. Those who personally experienced the death of loved ones, loss of housing, occupation, shelling… After the presentation of the book “Stories of the Strong” in Ukraine, we with the Foundation’s team and creative team went to other countries. They started from Warsaw, because since the beginning of the large-scale aggression, Poland became a hospitable refuge for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians. Later, the Foundation presented a book and a play based on it in Brussels to show European politicians and officials the whole truth about the war and Russian aggression. We will not stop there and will show live and real stories of strong and steadfast Ukrainians to the whole world,” said the founder of the Foundation, Vadym Stolar.

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