September 20, 2024
The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center told how long the meteorological summer will last thumbnail

The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center told how long the meteorological summer will last

The meteorological summer is still going on in Ukraine, the warm and sunny weather will last until September 25. Nataliya Ptukha, forecaster of the Ukrhydrometeorological center, reported this, Suspilne informs. She noted that the average monthly air temperature in Ukraine this fall will be 2-3 degrees higher than normal. “In November, we will get a little closer to the climatic norm, but still somewhat”, — write on:

The meteorological summer is still going on in Ukraine, the warm and sunny weather will last until September 25.

Nataliya Ptukha, forecaster of the Ukrhydrometeorological center, reported this, Suspilne informs. She noted that the average monthly air temperature in Ukraine this fall will be 2-3 degrees higher than normal.

“In November, we will get a little closer to the climatic norm, but it may still be somewhat higher,” Ptukha commented on autumn temperatures.

According to her, in September, as well as in summer, there is a deficit of precipitation in Ukraine, but already in October and November it should approach the norm.

“We really have more periods with higher temperature values. This summer was a vivid example, we had a powerful heat wave. And, in principle, in recent years, any season has become quite warm. And the periods with cold days are becoming less and less and they are becoming shorter and not so long, not so intense,” the forecaster stated.

She also predicted that there may still be cold periods and frosts in winter, but more often the weather will be “softer” and warm.

We will remind you that in September, the first so-called young women’s summer came to Ukraine. It usually lasts until September 11.

Earlier, we wrote that during July, record temperatures were recorded throughout the country, and this trend is precisely related to climate changes.

We will also remind you that this year April in Kyiv became the third warmest in the rating of observations for 144 years. The average monthly air temperature of the capital was +12.8 °C, which is 2.8 °C higher than the climatic norm.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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