September 20, 2024
The state of water in the Diet: the Ministry of Environment said whether the quality of water in consumers' taps will change thumbnail

The state of water in the Diet: the Ministry of Environment said whether the quality of water in consumers’ taps will change

As for the water in the Seim River, it is reported that its quality continues to deteriorate in the upper monitoring points in Sumy Oblast.”, — write:

As for the water in the Seim River, it is reported that its quality continues to deteriorate in the upper monitoring points in Sumy Oblast.

The Ministry of Environment spoke about water quality in the Diet / UNIAN collage, photo, WikipediaThe Ministry of Environment spoke about water quality in the Diet / UNIAN collage, photo, WikipediaIn the Chernihiv region, an improvement in the quality of water in the Seim River has been recorded, therefore there is no threat to the water supply of the Kyiv region, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources assured.

The message states that on September 19, the water quality in the Desna River at water intake sites in the Kyiv region was within normal limits. “No excesses in the content of pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals were detected. No fish deaths were detected. No excesses were recorded in terms of ammonium nitrogen, nitrites, and chlorides,” the department detailed.

“So the quality of water in consumers’ taps will not change and will meet the requirements of State sanitary norms and rules,” the Ministry of Environment notes.

As for the water in the Seim River, it is reported that its quality continues to deteriorate in the upper monitoring points in Sumy Oblast. “The probable source of pollution is on the territory of Russia. The worst indicators are recorded in the area of ​​the villages of Prudy and Mutyn,” experts state.

At the same time, the Ministry of Environment informs that the water quality of the Seim River is improving in Chernihiv Oblast.

The results of measurements of water samples in Desna in Chernihiv region indicate that the water quality of the Desna River has also improved at all points.

Pollution of the river SeimAt the end of August, the pollution of the Seym River was discovered, which caused a massive plague of fish. In particular, as of September 5, 10.7 tons of dead fish were collected in the territory of Chernihiv region, and more than 12 tons in Sumy region. Ukrainian experts said that the pollution of the river occurred on the territory of Russia and the dirty water went downstream from the Seimas to the Desna. Ukrainian experts have established the source of pollution of the Seim and Desna rivers.

The Ministry of Environment carries out measures to clean river waters within the borders of Ukraine.

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