“The new State Agency of Pleititi was created in Ukraine. The Office will control state policy in the field of gambling and lotteries. About it reports in Telegram a representative of the Cabinet in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk. “The State Agency of Ukraine” Pleitita “as a central executive body was established,” he said. The activities of the new agency will direct and coordinate the Cabinet of Ministers through the Viceremier-Minister of Ukraine on Innovation, Development of Education”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
The new State Agency of Pleititi was created in Ukraine. The Office will control state policy in the field of gambling and lotteries.
About it reports in Telegram a representative of the Cabinet in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk.
“The State Agency of Ukraine” Pleitita “as a central executive body was established,” he said.
The activities of the new agency will direct and coordinate the Cabinet of Ministers through the Viceremier -Minister of Ukraine on innovation, the development of education, science and technologies – Minister of Digital Transformation of Mikhail Fedorov.
The newly created regulator will engage in the implementation of state policy in the field of organization and gambling and lottery.
We will remind, in January President Zelensky signed a bill No. 9256-d, which provides for the liquidation of the Commission on Regulation of Gambling and Lottery (Krats).
The Government has transferred to the Ministry of Digital Transformation the powers of the Gambling Regulation Commission and Lottery (Kilil).