September 19, 2024
The Russians are spreading a fake about the alleged accident at the Rivne NPP after shelling, - CPD thumbnail

The Russians are spreading a fake about the alleged accident at the Rivne NPP after shelling, – CPD

Ukrainians began to receive e-mails at their post offices, apparently from the name of the State Emergency Service. They refer to the missile attack on the Rivne NPP, which caused an increased level of radiation. The Center for Combating Disinformation writes about it. The letters also provide evacuation instructions and links to questionable resources. The Center indicates that the State Emergency Service did not send such messages, and the structure’s post office did not”, — write on:

Ukrainians began to receive e-mails at their post offices, apparently from the name of the State Emergency Service. They refer to the missile attack on the Rivne NPP, which caused an increased level of radiation.

The Center for Combating Disinformation writes about it. The letters also provide evacuation instructions and links to questionable resources.

The Center indicates that the State Emergency Service did not send such messages, and the structure’s mail was not hacked. Most likely, these letters were sent through duplicate mailboxes and are part of a Russian information attack aimed at sowing panic among the population, discrediting Ukrainian state structures and lowering the level of trust in them.

The CPD recommends that if you have received such an email, mark it as spam and do not follow the specified links in any case. If you still followed the link, contact the Cyber ​​Police (

In addition, Russian propagandists are spreading yet another false information about the alleged “announcement” of the removal of President Volodymyr Zelensky from power by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

We will remind you that on February 25, the head of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense, Kyrylo Budanov, said that the Russian Federation planned to launch the largest IPSO, which was supposed to lead to a new coup d’état in Ukraine “Maidan-3”.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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