September 20, 2024
The prohibition of Telegram on official devices does not apply to personal smartphones - the National Security Service of Ukraine thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

The prohibition of Telegram on official devices does not apply to personal smartphones – the National Security Service of Ukraine

The ban on Telegram on official devices does not apply to personal smartphones – the CSDP of the NSDC The head of the Center for Countering Disinformation of the NSDC explained that the ban on Telegram only applies to the official devices of civil servants and the military. The use of the messenger on personal smartphones is not limited.”, — write on:

The head of the Center for countering disinformation of the National Security Council explained that the ban on Telegram only applies to the official devices of civil servants and the military. The use of the messenger on personal smartphones is not limited.

The prohibition of Telegram on the official devices of civil servants, military personnel and employees of critical infrastructure does not apply to personal smartphones, explained Andriy Kovalenko, the head of the Center for countering disinformation of the NSDC of Ukraine, on Friday, writes UNN.

About Telegram. We are talking about official devices. In simple words, civil servants, military personnel, employees of critical infrastructure should not use Telegram on official computers. I’ve said before that there are risks involved in sending work documents via Telegram from work devices. Now this is a collective decision. But it does not apply to your personal smartphones

Military and civil servants were banned from using Telegram on official devicesSeptember 20, 2024, 10:10 am • 2912 views

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