September 19, 2024

The President’s greetings to the Ukrainian tank soldiers

With your strength and professionalism, you once again proved that where Ukrainian tank units are located, there is a stable defense, successful counterattacks, accurate fire and the destruction of the enemy and his equipment.”, — write:

Dear tank soldiers!

I congratulate you on the Day of Tank Troops – a holiday of steel warriors who bravely defend our land, demonstrating their high skill and true Ukrainian character.

With your strength and professionalism, you once again proved that where Ukrainian tank units are located, there is a stable defense, successful counterattacks, accurate fire and the destruction of the enemy and his equipment.

And today, on the day of their professional holiday, tank soldiers are fighting hard and fierce battles with the Russian invaders in the most difficult and important directions.

On behalf of the Ukrainian people, I sincerely thank you for the determination, courage, valor and selfless performance of military duty that you demonstrate while defending your native land.

I express my gratitude to the servicemen of the tank repair units for their significant contribution to the restoration of combat equipment and increasing the combat capabilities of the tank troops.

Honoring the Ukrainian tankers, we bow our heads to the memory of the heroes who gave their lives for Ukraine. We will always remember their feat.

I wish all servicemen of the tank troops maximum strength of spirit in defending the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine and new victories in battles with the Russian aggressor.

Glory to the Ukrainian tankers! Glory in the country!

Volodymyr ZELENSKY

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