September 25, 2024
The occupiers are preparing to remove historical monuments from Mariupol - Resistance thumbnail

The occupiers are preparing to remove historical monuments from Mariupol – Resistance

The occupiers are preparing to remove historical monuments from Mariupol – Resistance The Russian occupiers plan to remove museum exhibits and artifacts from Mariupol.”, — write on:

the Russian occupiers in Mariupol in Donetsk region resorted to a scheme to remove museum exhibits and artifacts from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. Stone statues allegedly found by the Russian military are currently in danger of being lost. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, writes UNN

One such example happened in Donetsk region. Here, the soldiers of the Russian Guard handed over to the Mariupol Museum of Local Lore the stone figures belonging to the culture of the Polovtsy of the 11th-12th centuries, allegedly found during the “work”. The “specialists” of the museum have already assessed the found gravestone statues and promise to decide their fate in the near future.


It is known that since the time when the Mariupol Museum of Local Lore was in the hands of Russian collaborators, it has become a kind of cover through which stolen cultural values ​​belonging to Ukraine are “legalized” and entered into the Russian register. Over time, such exhibits end up in warehouses and museum halls of the Russian Federation.

It is noted that at the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, one of the first victims of Russian shelling was the Mariupol Museum of Local History. The museum building was completely destroyed after being hit by a shell, as a result of which a large-scale fire broke out. However, the main reason for the loss of a significant part of historical values ​​was not so much the consequences of the fire, but the systematic destruction of exhibits by looters and the Russian military.

From the first days of the occupation, the Russians began to take the most valuable artifacts from the museum to occupied Donetsk. Among the stolen exhibits were unique items of historical and cultural significance that symbolized the heritage of Mariupol and the entire region. Part of the collection, including paintings by the outstanding artist Arkhip Kuindzhi, was handed over to the occupiers by the then director of the museum, Natalia Kapusnikova. After that, she fled from Mariupol to the territory of Russia, effectively betraying her city and the cultural heritage of Ukraine.

We will remind

In March of this year, Russian troops destroyed the ancient burial mound Did in Mariupol, a historical monument dating back to the 5th millennium BC, in violation of laws on the protection of cultural property during wartime.

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