September 25, 2024
The number of victims as a result of the Russian attack on Kharkiv has increased - the authorities thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

The number of victims as a result of the Russian attack on Kharkiv has increased – the authorities

Local authorities reported that Russian forces had struck at least five guided air bombs”, — write:

The number of people injured as a result of the Russian attack on Kharkiv has increased to 24 people, the mayor of Kharkiv Ihor Terekhov said in a telegram.

Previously, it was known about three dead and 15 wounded.

As the head of the regional military administration, Oleg Synegubov, reported, the forces of the Russian Federation struck at least five guided aerial bombs.

“3 people died, 22 people were injured. Hits were recorded in a 9-story building, at a civilian enterprise, as well as in an open area. Rescue services are working at the places of arrival,” he wrote in a telegram.

The forces of the Russian Federation regularly attack Ukrainian regions, in particular Kharkiv and Kharkiv Oblast, with various types of weapons – attack UAVs, missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft missiles.

The leadership of Russia denies that the Russian army during a full-scale war inflicts targeted strikes on the civilian infrastructure of the cities and villages of Ukraine, killing the civilian population and destroying hospitals, schools, kindergartens, energy and water supply facilities.

The Ukrainian authorities and international organizations qualify these strikes as war crimes by the Russian Federation and emphasize that they are purposeful in nature.

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