September 23, 2024
The number of graves of Russian soldiers has increased in Simferopol - Crimea.Reality thumbnail

The number of graves of Russian soldiers has increased in Simferopol – Crimea.Reality

The city authorities of the occupied capital of Crimea do not report any data about the dead compatriots, the circumstances and the place of their death”, — write:

As of the end of last week of 2024, there are already 60 graves on the separate military avenue of the new sector #127, which has been under 24-hour security since 2023, near the entrance to the central city cemetery Abdal-1 (“old” Abdal). A resident of the Crimean capital, whose name the editors cannot name for security reasons, told the correspondent of the Radio Liberty Krym.Realiya project about this. Ten days earlier, there were 56 of them, and a year ago – 20.

Some of the dead servicemen born in Simferopol are buried next to the graves of their deceased relatives on the same Abdali-1, as well as on Abdali-2 (“new” Abdali).

The city authorities do not report any data about the dead compatriots, the circumstances and the place of their death.

Burials from the side of Kuibysheva Street on the way to the central entrance to the cemetery began to appear from the end of spring 2023. Previously, from 2020 to February 24, 2022, the so-called “defenders of Donbas” were buried in general sector #127.

Earlier in September 2024, the Representation of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea reported that at least 1,312 Russian soldiers who died in the war against Ukraine were buried on the occupied peninsula. According to the agency, at least 762 of them were citizens of Ukraine.

According to Krym.Realiya, the number of confirmed Crimeans who were killed in the ranks of the Russian army in the war against Ukraine has exceeded 840 people. At the same time, it became known about the death of 40 of them in August 2024.

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