“The National Bank denies the information about the alleged blocking of bank accounts for frequent cash withdrawals and calls the information unreliable and manipulative.”, — write: epravda.com.ua
The National Bank denies the information about the alleged blocking of bank accounts for frequent cash withdrawals and calls the information unreliable and manipulative. This was reported in the press service of the NBU. “Individual media and Telegram channels spread unreliable and manipulative information that Ukrainians can have their bank accounts blocked for frequent cash withdrawals – more than three times a month, especially in large amounts, and for frequent use of cash loans. We emphasize that this information is not corresponds to reality,” the press service of the NBU said. The media allegedly refer to the “recommendations of the National Bank of Ukraine on strengthening financial monitoring in Ukraine”, without specifying specific documents. Advertisement: However, as the National Bank emphasizes, in no recommendations, letters, regulatory acts or other official documents are requirements for blocking accounts for carrying out such there are no operations. Read also: Exchange rate, prices, taxes and populism: what to expect from the economy in 2025