September 23, 2024
The metro to Vynogradar will cost 8 billion more than planned - State Audit Service thumbnail

The metro to Vynogradar will cost 8 billion more than planned – State Audit Service

Resumption of the construction of the metro on Vynogradar in Kyiv will cost the budget 8 billion UAH more than planned.”, — write:

Resumption of the construction of the metro on Vynogradar in Kyiv will cost the budget 8 billion UAH more than planned.

About this it is said in the message of the State Audit Service of Ukraine as a result of the audit of the financial activities of the utility company “Kyiv Metropoliten”.

“The overdue debt of UAH 4 billion, the postponement of the construction of an important transport artery of the capital and the increase in prices by UAH 8 billion are the result of the “business schemes” of the unscrupulous contractor JSC “Kyivmetrobud” and the inaction of the capital’s authorities,” the message said.

As the auditors found out, “Kyivmetrobud”, which in 2018-2019 received advance payments from the budget in the amount of UAH 2.59 billion, used this money for the wrong purpose and did not use it within the terms specified by the contract.

“Instead of continuing the construction of the Syretsko-Pecherska line, the contractor placed part of the funds transferred from KP “Kyivskyi metropoliten” in deposits. In particular, in 2019, “Kyivmetrobud” deposited UAH 1.7 billion in bank accounts at PJSC AB “Ukrgasbank”” , – the message says.

In addition, during 2018-2019, budget funds were used to pay for various auditing, legal, consulting services, financial risk insurance, providing interest-free repayable financial assistance to another legal entity, etc. At the same time, almost no money was spent on the construction itself.

“That, however, did not prevent Kyiv Metro from transferring an additional UAH 1.41 billion to the contractor in December 2019. Of which, only UAH 44.1 million was used,” the auditors noted.

“As a result, almost 4 billion hryvnias have turned into overdue debt. Now the restoration of the construction of the metro to Vynogradar will cost 2.5 times more than the budget. According to the results of the recalculation of the indicators of the cost of the works, the estimate for the last 6 years (from 2018 to 2024) has increased by 8 billion hryvnias: from 5.9 to almost 14 billion hryvnias,” the report says.

We will remind:

Maksym Shkil, the owner of the “Avtostrada” group of companies, with which an agreement was signed on the construction of two new metro stations on Vynogradar in Kyiv, is not ready to predictthat they will appear in 2027.

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