September 24, 2024
The mayor of Ostrog apologized for drunkenly beating a woman and singing Russian songs on the Defenders' Memorial Day thumbnail

The mayor of Ostrog apologized for drunkenly beating a woman and singing Russian songs on the Defenders’ Memorial Day

The mayor of Ostroh, Yury Yagodka, apologized for beating a local woman. She made a remark to him when the drunken mayor with female patrons in a public place sang “Oh, the viburnum is blooming in the field by the stream” on Defender’s Day. “Yes, my fault is that, to put it simply, I got drunk,” Yury Yagodka wrote on Facebook on September 24, despite the fact that the incident”, — write on:

The mayor of Ostroh, Yury Yagodka, apologized for beating a local woman. She made a remark to him when the drunken mayor with female patrons in a public place sang “Oh, the viburnum is blooming in the field by the stream” on Defender’s Day.

“Yes, my fault is that, to put it simply, I got drunk,” Yury Yagodka wrote on Facebook on September 24, despite the fact that the incident took place on August 29.

Then, on the Day of Remembrance of defenders who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, local activist Lyudmila Frankovska reported the beating to the police. According to her, she passed by the local library, where the Center for Culture and Leisure is located, and heard Russian music from there. The woman went into the room to make a remark and found an inebriated Yuri Yagodka there. He and the intercessors sang “Oh, the viburnum is blooming in the field by the stream.”

After a remark and a short conversation, the official allegedly reacted aggressively and pounced on the woman with his fists. Therefore, the victim wrote a statement on the fact that she was physically injured.

Earlier, a member of the Sokyrian city council of Chernivtsi region was charged with committing a fatal road accident while intoxicated.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi dismissed Oleksandr Yaroschuk, head of the Ivano-Frankivsk District State Administration, for appearing at work in a drunken state.

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