September 24, 2024
The G7+ group called on the world community to strengthen financial support for the restoration of Ukraine's energy sector thumbnail

The G7+ group called on the world community to strengthen financial support for the restoration of Ukraine’s energy sector

The G7+ group called on the world community to increase financial support for the restoration of Ukraine’s energy sector G7+ ministers adopted a statement on support for Ukraine on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. They condemned Russia’s attacks on energy infrastructure and promised help in restoring and protecting the energy system.”, — write on:

On the sidelines of the 79th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, a meeting of ministers of the Group of Seven+ took place, as a result of which a joint statement on support for Ukraine was adopted. This was announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, reports UNN.


The text of the statement cited by the Ukrainian ministry indicates that the partners once again confirm their resolute commitment to the territorial integrity, independence and sovereignty of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

We strongly condemn Russia’s ongoing missile and drone strikes against Ukrainian energy infrastructure and cities across Ukraine, which have intensified since March 2024 and seriously threaten Ukraine’s energy security and the Ukrainian people’s access to critical services, including electricity, heat and water, during the cold winter months, which may be the toughest for Ukraine at least since its independence

The West also warned that an attack on the Ukrainian energy system could have consequences for the entire region, in particular for the energy security of the Republic of Moldova.

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We confirm our readiness to support the immediate, medium and long-term recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine in line with its path to the EU, and to work to engage our private sectors and local authorities in the sustainable economic and social recovery of Ukraine

Western partners also emphasized the importance of carrying out reforms favorable to business development, which will create equal conditions for investments in the energy sector.

In addition, Ukraine must implement energy sector reforms in accordance with the course of accession to the EU and the fulfillment of obligations under the Treaty on the Establishment of the Energy Community, including OECD corporate governance standards.

This is especially important on the eve of winter, given the scale of repair work and the need for new energy infrastructure.

We recognize the need for international assistance to protect the energy infrastructure from attacks, including by strengthening Ukraine’s air defense capabilities from countries that have undertaken relevant commitments, and confirm our readiness to continue providing such assistance

Also, Ukraine’s international partners have once again condemned the militarization of the Ukrainian Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant by Russian troops and called for the return of the ZNPP to the control of Kyiv.

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The ministers noted that the restoration of the energy system of Ukraine in the short and long term is in the interests of strengthening global energy security and stability

We welcome further commitments to provide financing and material support to meet the most urgent needs of the Ukrainian energy sector, including the repair of damaged power plants and district heating systems, the deployment of new, distributed electricity generation, emergency backup power for critical services and passive protection of energy infrastructure. We call on the international community to urgently strengthen efforts in this direction and provide Ukraine with all the necessary assistance

The partners also congratulated and emphasized the important work of international partners, banks and the “Energy Support Fund of Ukraine” of the Energy Community.

We will remind

At the G7+ ministerial meeting in New York, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Andrii Sybiga, called on allies to urgently strengthen the Ukrainian energy system ahead of winter.

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