September 30, 2024
The existence of different tariffs for electricity distribution is economically justified, - the expert thumbnail

The existence of different tariffs for electricity distribution is economically justified, – the expert

According to Kalenkov, the existence of two classes of consumers is justified, as the costs of energy supply for different groups differ.”, — write:

According to Kalenkov, the existence of two classes of consumers is justified, as the costs of energy supply for different groups differ.

Photo by UNIAN, Mykola TysPhoto by UNIAN, Mykola TysThe unification of tariffs by voltage classes proposed by the National Energy Regulatory Commission (NERCP) is illogical and economically unreasonable, and this decision will harm the Ukrainian economy now and in the future, as one group of consumers will subsidize another. This was stated by Oleksandr Kalenkov, president of Ukrmetalurgprom, during a round table at ICC Ukraine.

According to him, the existence of two classes of consumers is justified, since the costs of energy supply for different groups are different. Large enterprises have their own infrastructure, lowering transformers and such. They maintain their own energy infrastructure, and their networks have much lower power losses.

“The unification of distribution tariffs is contrary to European practice, where there are different classes. In the European Union, only one country has a unified tariff – it is Malta, where there is no industry. Therefore, European directives recommend avoiding the establishment of a single tariff for all types of voltage,” Kalenkov added.

According to him, the implementation of such changes requires discussion with industrial consumers of electricity.

“We need a professional discussion, within which it is possible to discuss whether it should be two classes, or three or even more (such a practice exists). We also need to correctly estimate the costs, which makes it possible to arrive at a specific tariff,” said the president of the OP. Ukrmetalurgprom”..

Also, according to Kalenkov, the unification of tariff classes is a very bad signal to investors, both current and potential, because predictability is important to them.

As you know, after the appointment of a new chairman and members, the National Commission for the Regulation of Energy and Communal Services (NKREKP) decided to return to considering the issue of unifying tariffs for the distribution of electricity.

Instead, the international Energy Community called on the NCRECP to abandon this intention. As stated in the Community, the position of the National Commission is unfounded, and the intention itself is unclear. They also reminded that the main principle of regulation of network tariffs is laid down in Article 18 of Regulation 2019/943: it provides that tariffs must reflect costs and be transparent.

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