September 19, 2024
The conference "Ukraine on the way to the OECD and accession to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery" began in Kyiv thumbnail

The conference “Ukraine on the way to the OECD and accession to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery” began in Kyiv

The conference “Ukraine on the way to the OECD and accession to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery” started in Kyiv. You can follow the work of the conference at the link. The event is devoted to the challenges facing Ukraine in the process of acquiring membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, as well as the steps necessary to overcome them. Representatives will take part in the event”, — write on:

The conference “Ukraine on the way to the OECD and accession to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery” started in Kyiv.

You can follow the work of the conference at the link.

The event is devoted to the challenges facing Ukraine in the process of acquiring membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, as well as the steps necessary to overcome them. Representatives of the Government and Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, international partners, business associations, anti-corruption institutions and civil society will take part in the event.

It is noted that in 2022, Ukraine began the process of joining the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the OECD Working Group on Bribery as an integral part of it. To this end, on August 2, 2022, the Prime Minister of Ukraine sent a letter to the OECD with a request to join the Working Group on Combating Bribery in International Commercial Transactions. One of the mandatory steps on the way to membership in the OECD is the ratification of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Officials in International Business Transactions [OECD Апtі-ВгіЬегу Convention, Антикорупційна конвенція ОЕСР]which is also one of the highest anti-corruption standards.

Ukraine’s accession to the OECD Anti-Corruption Convention is an integral part of the EU’s Chapter 23 accession negotiations. It is also included as an important step in the fourth review of the IMF’s Enhanced Financing Facility program and is mentioned in the priorities of the G7 Justice Ministers’ Initiative “Act for Ukraine” .

A specially created Ukrainian working group has been working since July 2022 and developing legislative proposals that would bring Ukraine closer to the ratification of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, membership in the OECD and the EU. The result of this work was the registration, with the support of the heads of specialized parliamentary committees, of laws reforming the criminal liability of legal entities in Ukraine and introducing the impossibility of deducting bribes from the tax base. The former is expected to pass first reading soon, and the latter to pass second reading and be adopted as a whole.

We will remind you that the fugitive Ukrainian People’s Deputy Andriy Derkach in Russia became a senator of the upper house of the Russian parliament from the Astrakhan region. The governor of the Astrakhan region of Russia, Ihor Babushkin, signed his appointment as a senator from the region. The corresponding document is posted by the legal portal of the Astrakhan region.

Also, the prosecutor’s office of the Southern District of New York accused in absentia the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Derkach, who is wanted in Ukraine and is suspected of treason and illegal enrichment, of money laundering. If Derkach is found guilty, he faces up to 30 years in prison.

⚡️⚡️⚡️All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and fast news.

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