September 21, 2024
The company, which received an order for 4 billion, undersupplied products to the military: it was fined thumbnail

The company, which received an order for 4 billion, undersupplied products to the military: it was fined

The commercial court of the city of Kyiv collected UAH 502,000 from “Nova-Postach” LLC in favor of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. fines and penalties for non-delivery of food to the military.”, — write:

Photo: Ukrinform

The commercial court of the city of Kyiv collected UAH 502,000 from “Nova-Postach” LLC in favor of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. fines and penalties for non-delivery of food to the military.

About this testifies court decision of September 5.

In March 2022, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine ordered “Nova-Postach” LLC catering services for UAH 4.13 billion. It was about refreshing food stocks.

At the same time, the Southern Office of the State Audit Service discovered cases of underdelivery (delivery in smaller quantities) of food products. Moreover, “Nova-Postach” did not inform the customer beforehand about smaller volumes, who, accordingly, did not give written consent.

As the court found out, the total cost of undelivered (incomplete) or untimely delivered products amounted to UAH 1.4 million. In addition, the auditors established that fines for undersupply (late supply) of products by the enterprise amounting to UAH 281,000 were not charged.

The court agreed with the arguments of the prosecutor’s office about the facts of violation by the “Nova-Postach” company of its obligations regarding the full and timely provision of services in March-December 2022.

For its part, “Nova-Postach” did not provide the court with any evidence to refute the arguments of the law enforcement officers. The representatives of the company did not come to the court session.

Gennadiy Meshkov is the head and owner of Nova-Postach LLC in the capital. Until 2023, the company was registered in Odessa. mass media carry enterprise to the sphere of influence of Odesa businessman Valery Druzenko.

“Nova-Postach” is mentioned in the material of the publication “Our Money” “The Ministry of Defense has started raising contract prices for food for soldiers as early as the fall of 2022.”

We will remind:

Ministry of Defense announced on large-scale inspections of the organization of military food in the northern, eastern and southern directions.

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