September 20, 2024
The coming winter will be a very serious test for Ukraine - AIE thumbnail

The coming winter will be a very serious test for Ukraine – AIE

The International Energy Agency (IEA) warns that the winter of 2024 will be the most difficult test for Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion. According to IEA General Director Fatih Birol, the Ukrainian energy system, which has already survived two previous winters, is facing the biggest challenges in the field of energy security. He noted that the situation in Ukraine is one of the most acute problems of energy security”, — write on:

The International Energy Agency (IEA) warns that the winter of 2024 will be the most difficult test for Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion. According to IEA General Director Fatih Birol, the Ukrainian energy system, which has already survived two previous winters, is facing the biggest challenges in the field of energy security.

He noted that the situation in Ukraine is one of the most pressing energy security problems in the world. In addition, the IEA expressed concern about the situation in Moldova due to the planned termination of the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine at the end of 2024, which creates significant risks for the energy security of the region.

The IEA report indicated that in 2022 and 2023, about half of Ukraine’s generating capacity was occupied by Russian forces or destroyed, and about half of large grid substations were damaged by missiles and drones. As a result, Ukraine has lost more than two-thirds of its electricity generation capacity, creating a gaping gap between available electricity supply and peak demand.

The agency proposed ten measures to restore Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, although specific details of those measures were not made public. In addition, the report called on European countries to accelerate the supply of equipment for the restoration of damaged objects and to take measures to protect them from drone attacks.

We previously wrote that the winter of 2024 will be very difficult due to regular power outages that will last from 4 to 18 hours every day.

We will also remind you that the European Union will create a reserve of diesel fuel to help Ukraine get through the current heating season.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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